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02 Apr 2010
Pimping awesome

awesome is just that: awesome.

And a window manager also. But that only makes it to the second place.

I really like it as a window manager, mostly because it's 100% scriptable so I can mess around with it a lot. ;-)

As I have been doing today. Today I enriched it with a fancy drop-down terminal. You know -- as in those ego-shooters everyone's talking about.

The major coding behind this isn't mine, I just used scratchpad, a very nice Lua module that enables you to use any program for the drop-down.

But here's what I'd really like to share with you:

Scratchpad is fine, but it had some minor drawbacks for me, which, of course, I had to fix immediately:

  1. Since I have a dual monitor setup, awesome has two screens to work with. The problem is now, that scratchpad will spawn a different termial for each screen -- suboptimal for me.
  2. If you get it to spawn only one terminal, it will not resize it when you call it on the other screen, which looks pretty nasty since my first screen isn't even half the size of my second one.

So I tweaked the sources and here's a little patch, if anyone would like to have the same behaviour:

<     if not dropdown[prog][screen] then
<         spawnw = function (c)
<             dropdown[prog][screen] = c
>     -- Client geometry and placement
>     local place_client = function (c)
>         local screengeom = capi.screen[screen].workarea
<             -- Scratchdrop clients are floaters
<             awful.client.floating.set(c, true)
>         if width  <= 1 then width  = screengeom.width  * width  end
>         if height <= 1 then height = screengeom.height * height end
<             -- Client geometry and placement
<             local screengeom = capi.screen[screen].workarea
>         if     horiz == "left"  then x = screengeom.x
>         elseif horiz == "right" then x = screengeom.width - width
>         else   x =  screengeom.x+(screengeom.width-width)/2 end
<             if width  <= 1 then width  = screengeom.width  * width  end
<             if height <= 1 then height = screengeom.height * height end
>         if     vert == "bottom" then y = screengeom.height + screengeom.y - height
>         elseif vert == "center" then y = screengeom.y+(screengeom.height-height)/2
>         else   y =  screengeom.y - screengeom.y end
<             if     horiz == "left"  then x = screengeom.x
<             elseif horiz == "right" then x = screengeom.width - width
<             else   x =  screengeom.x+(screengeom.width-width)/2 end
<             if     vert == "bottom" then y = screengeom.height + screengeom.y - height
<             elseif vert == "center" then y = screengeom.y+(screengeom.height-height)/2
<             else   y =  screengeom.y - screengeom.y end
>         c:geometry({ x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height })
>     end
>     if not dropdown[prog][1] then
>         spawnw = function (c)
>             dropdown[prog][1] = c
>             -- Scratchdrop clients are floaters
>             awful.client.floating.set(c, true)
<             c:geometry({ x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height })
>             place_client(c)
<         c = dropdown[prog][screen]
>         c = dropdown[prog][1]
<             -- Make sure it is centered
<             if vert  == "center" then awful.placement.center_vertical(c)   end
<             if horiz == "center" then awful.placement.center_horizontal(c) end
>             place_client(c)

This is a diff for the drop.lua file of the scratchpad package. It's based off this git revision.
