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28 Oct 2009
Ruby C Extensions Part 5: Implementation and Interfacing

This is part 5 of my exploits in Ruby C extension land.

If you haven't read the previous parts, you might want to go back there.

Heavy Work

To pay off for the horse, I was forced to work in the fields for two months. Heavy work, that is.

So will you. So better get your C manual.

The Implementation

Writing C for Ruby is pretty straight forward. You don't have to worry about interfacing with Ruby one bit when you write the implementation Code. That can be fitted in in 5 minutes after the actual C Code is working.

Ruby in C

But you can of course use the Ruby interface anytime in your Code to make your life easier -- be it when manipulating Arrays, storing Strings etc.

The pickaxe has a solid chapter on all sorts of useful stuff.

There also was a good post somewhere that told people to not write C but rather "Ruby in C". Unfortunately I've lost the link to that.

Nonetheless a good advice if you want to develop faster. Performance optimizations can be done later on anyways.

You can even use the rb_eval and rb_funcall to evaluate arbitrary Ruby code or call a function.


The only part where you really need to use the Ruby API is when you want your C code to be accessed by Ruby code (which at some point you will have to).

But fortunately, this is the really easy part. All you need to do is

  1. Declare an initialization function
  2. Declare one or more classes or modules
  3. Wrap some C structs in those classes and modules
  4. Declare one or more functions
  5. Associate a real C function with the declared Ruby functions

All of those things are done with a single line of code each.

Isn't that nice?


For each extension, there must be an initialization function. The function follows a naming convention:

void Init_<extension name>(void)

So, our cranberry extension would have to have a void Init_cranberry(void) function in one of the C files.

It doesn't matter where, mkmf will find it.

Classes and Modules

Here's how you declare a new class/module:

VALUE class_Cranberry;

Then you have to make it accessible to Ruby in your init function:

class_Cranberry = rb_define_class("Cranberry", rb_cObject);

This tells Ruby that class_Cranberry contains the data of the Ruby class Cranberry, which inherits Object. (For a list of the C names of standard Ruby classes, see the ruby.h header file.)

Wrapping C Structs

You can store the data contained in a C struct inside a Ruby object. Ruby then takes care of the lifecycle of that struct.

Imagine you have a struct that represents the Cranberry class in C, then to wrap a Cranberry object around it, call

VALUE new_object = Data_Wrap_Struct(class_Cranberry, NULL, free_Cranberry, some_struct);

This is typically done in allocator functions, e.g. new.

free_Cranberry points to a function of type void free_Cranberry(void*), which Ruby will call when your C object must be garbage collected. That function will get a pointer to the wrapped struct so it can deallocate its memory.

By the way, if you want to get the struct that resides under a Ruby object, use

StructType * some_struct;
Data_Get_Struct(ruby_object, StructType, some_struct);

That will change the some_struct pointer to point to your wrapped struct.

Declaring Functions

The last part of the puzzle is function declaration.

rb_define_singleton_method(class_Cranberry, "new",   class_method_new, -1);
          rb_define_method(class_Cranberry, "juice", method_juice,      1);

This tells Ruby to call class_method_new whenever is requested, and method_juice whenever some_cranberry.juice is called.

The -1 and 1 are the arities that Ruby uses internally to decide if there are enough arguments and what arguments to pass to your function.

NOTE: These arities work different than the arities you get from Method#arity!

A positive number means, your function will take just that many arguments, none less, none more.

A negative number -n means, your function needs at least n arguments, but can take more. This is used for both, the splash arguments (def foo(*args)), as well as optional arguments (def foo(x = 12)).

-1 means the function takes a variable number of arguments, passed as a C array.

-2 means the function takes a variable number of arguments, passed as a Ruby array.

In the next chapter I'll explain how that works in detail. So go and figure this out for your code, while I write that chapter.

Continue with Part 6!
