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01 Nov 2009
Ruby C Extensions Part 8: Deployment

This is part 8 of the tale of my adventures in Ruby C extension land.

If you haven't read the other parts, you might want to go back there.

Deployment City

And there I was. Having escaped the clutches of the evil wizard by taunting him with my rake-tester until he weeped, I was now facing the town of Deployment City, the capital of Ruby C extension land.

And my greatest challenge was yet to come.

Deploying Native Gems

When you write native gems, you are faced with a tough question:

Will I compile for all systems or will I compile only for a selected elite?

That is, will you make a distinct gem for every Ruby platform or will you make a general gem that contains only the instructions on how to compile and only distribute native pre-compiled versions for some selected platform(s)?

The Compile-It-Yourself Version

This is of course the easy version... Just

rake build


rake gem

a gem that contains the ext directory with all your source files and you're done.

When you install that gem and you configured your gemspec correctly and set up your gemspec with

gemspec.extension = FileList['ext/cranberry/extconf.rb']

there should be no problems and Ruby should show the well-known

Building native extensions.  This could take a while...

screen and your build should succeed.

You can distribute this gem as the cranberry-0.0.1.gem file.

Should you choose to also provide custom pre-compiled versions, Rubygems will automatically pick the pre-compiled ones when applicable.

Pre-Compiled Fixxer-Upper

Before we can start to produce gems that do not need to be built by the end user (pre-compiled ones, that is), we need to fix something:

task :native => :no_extconf

task :no_extconf do
    $gemspec.extensions = []

This ensures that there are no extconf.rb files registered with the gemspec when building native gems (both for your system and for cross-compilation).

The Pre-Compiled-Niceness Version

Especially for Windows folks it is always nice if you provide precompiled binaries (they don't like compilers very much and compilers don't like them either).

So here's how you do it for your platform (i.e. the OS you're running):

First, run either of the commands below, depending on your gemspec manager:

rake clean native build
rake clean native gem

This will produce a file similar to pkg/cranberry-0.0.1.gem which you will have to rename to whatever platform you run:

The Crossing-Dressed Version

If you're sitting on a Linux box, you can of course cross-compile for MS's Win 32, if you configured rake-compiler correctly.

The procedure is similar to above, but you have to call

rake clean cross build


rake clean cross gem


The renaming is the same.

Automated Build-Em-All Version

If you're like me, you'll want all of the above -- and you'll want it done with a single command:

rake gems


Here's the Rake setup to do it:

desc("Build linux and windows specific gems")
task :gems do
    sh "rake clean build:native"
    sh "rake clean build:cross"
    sh "rake clean build"

task "build:native" => [:no_extconf, :native, :build] do
    file = "pkg/cranberry-#{get_version}.gem"
    mv file, "#{file.ext}-i686-linux.gem"

task "build:cross" => [:no_extconf, :cross, :native, :build] do
    file = "pkg/cranberry-#{get_version}.gem"
    mv file, "#{file.ext}-x86-mingw32.gem"

task :no_extconf do
    $gemspec.extensions = []

def get_version
    `cat VERSION`.chomp

Please note though, the get_version function is Jeweler specific. If you use some other gemspec manager, you'll need to adjust it to return the version of the gem to be built as a String (e.g. $gemspec.version.to_s).

So, this is the last exhaustingly long post about Ruby C extensions.

I decided to write a (probably even longer) wrapup article using Joker as an example to demonstrate it all in shorter and and with real code as the basis.

And by the way: C extension land rocks! ;-)

Hope it helped!
