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29 Oct 2009
Ruby C Extensions Part 6: Defining Functions

This is part 6 of the tale of my adventures in Ruby C extension land.

If you haven't read the other parts, you might want to go back there.

Defining Functions

In the last part, I showed how to define the two function types:

Here's how to implement the according C functions:

Fixed Argument Count

VALUE juice(self, argument1, argument2)
    VALUE self;
    VALUE argument1;
    VALUE argument2;
    // ...

self will point to the Ruby object this function is a member of, e.g. Cranberry if you called it as Cranberry.juice.

The other arguments will be just that -- the function's arguments.

Ruby will ensure you always get the right amount of arguments.

Variable Argument Count 1 -- C Array

VALUE new(argc, argv, self)
    int      argc;
    VALUE *  argv;
    VALUE    self;
    // ...

This one's more complex.

argc will contain the number of arguments passed to the function. Ruby ensures you get at least the minimum number of arguments you specified.

argv will be a collection of the passed arguments. You won't manipulate this directly.

self is the same as above.

Argument Checking

With this version, you will have to explicitly retrieve the arguments from argv.

For this you use rb_scan_args. It takes in argc, argv, the number of required and optional arguments and pointers to the VALUE objects to fill with these arguments:

VALUE cranberry;
VALUE optional;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &cranberry, &optional);

The nice thing about rb_scan_args, though, is that it will raise a Ruby exception when the argument count is not as expected.

As you can see, "11" is the string that tells rb_scan_args how many arguments you expect: one mandatory, one optional.

To further illustrate, here's a list of Ruby definitions and their rb_scan_args equivalents:

def foo( arg = nil )
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &arg);

def foo( &block )
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0&", &block);

def foo( *args )
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0*", &args);

def foo( arg, opt = nil, *args, &block )
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11*&", &arg, &opt, &args, &block);

I think you get the scheme...

Any optional arguments and the block argument will be set to nil if they were left out.

Variable Argument Count 2 -- Ruby Array

VALUE new(self, args)
    VALUE  self;
    VALUE  args;
    // ...

This one's easy again: Just use args as the Ruby array it is.

OK, now while you digest this big hunk of information, I will dream about the next piece of this fine saga.

Continue with Part 7!
